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Teach-in Tuesday companion guide: "Shoot Suffrage to Death"

A Short History of Race, Violence, and the Right to Vote

Shoot Suffrage to Death

Detail of the cover of Oct. 18, 1879 issue of Harper's Weekly, drawn by Thomas Nast.  From Library of Congress.  See the full image on the Library of Congress website.

image description from Library of Congress: "Skeleton 'solid Southern shot gun' holding shotgun at polls, to prevent African Americans from voting." 


Primary Sources



15th Amendment:

"Historian Yohuru Williams give a brief rundown of the history of the 15th Amendment, which outlawed votings rights discrimination after the Civil War."

Voting Rights Act of 1965

"Historian Yohuru Williams explains the events leading up to the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965 and the act's historical significance."