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Teach-in Tuesday companion guide: Strategies of the Suffragists

Strategies of the Suffragists: Lessons in Political Organizing

As the kickoff event in this year's theme of "The Power of the Vote", Angela High-Pippert, Professor and Chair of Political Science, will present highlights of the exceedingly difficult and fascinating path to (some) women (re-) gaining the right to vote in the United States in 1920.  As we celebrate this important anniversary of white women achieving suffrage, we consider how the strategies, successes, and challenges of the suffragists can inform our political participation 100 years later

black and white photo of women standing in a picket line.  Signs they are holding read "Mr. President how long must women wait for liberty" and "Mr President what will you do for woman's suffrage?"

Missed the Teach-In?


image credit: The First Picket Line. Public Domain.

Suggested Readings

Women's Suffrage at University of St. Thomas

What did people at the University of St. Thomas think of Women's suffrage?  Much like the rest of the United States, there was disagreement on the issue.  Here are two opinion articles published in the Purple and Gray Magazine in 1914.  Both articles were found in the University of St. Thomas Historical University Publications.

Additional readings

Background information

Online primary source collections

Periodical Collections from the time period

Search for the phrase: women suffrage (no quotes, and no apostrophe) to find how women's suffrage was written about in magazines at the time.

Classic Speeches