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Liturgical Studies: Finding Articles

The Catholic Church is fundamentally liturgical and sacramental in its public life of worship. The main Catholic worship service is the Mass.

Journals in the area of Liturgical Studies

Keywords for the Order of the Mass in the Roman Rite

Forms Pre-Tridentine Mass · Tridentine Mass (extraordinary form) · Mass of Paul VI Types

Missa Cantata · Coronation Mass · Chapter and Conventual Mass · High Mass · Low Mass · Nuptial Mass · Papal Mass ·

Pontifical High Mass  Red Mass · Requiem Mass · Missa sine populo · Votive Mass

Introductory rites Vesting prayers · asperges · Introit · Penitential Rite / confiteor · Kyrie · Gloria · collect · Dominus Vobiscum · oremus Liturgy of the Word

Old Testament reading · Responsorial Psalm · Epistle · gradual · tract · sequentia · Alleluia · Gospel · homily · credo (Nicene Creed) ·

general intercessions · offertory · Orate fratres · secret prayer

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Eucharistic Prayer · Canon of the Mass (texts & rubrics / history) · Preface (Sursum corda / Sanctus / Hosanna) ·

Words of Institution (Transubstantiation) · Elevation · Memorial Acclamation / Mysterium fidei · Epiclesis · Lord's Prayer ·

Embolism · Doxology · Sign of peace / Pax · Agnus Dei · Fraction · Holy Communion · Communion (chant) · Ablutions ·

Postcommunion (Thanksgiving) · Dismissal (Ite missa est / Benedicamus Domino) · Last Gospel


Acolyte · altar server (female) · bishop · boat boy · cantor · choir · crucifer · deacon · Extraordinary minister of Holy Communion  ·

laity (Eucharistic Congress) · lector · priest · subdeacon · usher


Alb · ambo · altar · altar bell · altar candle · altar candlestick · altar crucifix · altar rails · aspergillum · ciborium · collectarium ·

collection basket · corporal · chalice · chasuble · Credence table · cruet · dalmatic · episcopal sandals · evangeliary · flabellum ·

funghellino · headcover · holy water · humeral veil · incense (use) · kneeler · lavabo · lectionary (revised) · liturgical book · mantilla ·

manuterge · misericord · music · pall · pallium · Paschal candle · paten · piscina · processional cross · pyx · Roman Missal ·

Roman Pontifical · sacramental bread (wafer) · sacramental wine (or mustum) · sacramentary · sanctuary lamp · stole · surplice ·

tabernacle · thurible · triple candlestick · tunicle · vestment (pontifical) · votive candle · vimpa · water

Concepts and actions

Antiphon · Blood of Christ · Body of Christ · church etiquette · closed communion · commemoration ·

Communion and the developmentally disabled · Communion under both kinds · Crucifixion of Jesus (atonement) ·

ecclesiastical Latin · Eucharistic discipline · Eucharistic fast · First Communion · General Instruction of the Roman Missal ·

genuflection · grace (ex opere operato) · Host desecration · infant communion · In persona Christi · intercession of saints ·

intinction · Koinonia · the Last Supper · liturgical colours · liturgical year (proper) · Melchizedek priesthood · Order of Mass ·

prayer (effects of prayer) · Ordines Romani · Real Presence · reserved sacrament · responsory · Sign of the Cross ·

Sunday (Lord's Day) · viaticum


Agape feast · benediction of the Blessed Sacrament · Catholic liturgy · Congregation for Divine Worship

and the Discipline of the Sacraments ·Council of Trent · church music (Mass) · Corpus Christi (feast) ·

Ecclesia de Eucharistia · Epiousios · Eucharistic adoration ·Eucharistic miracle · Eucharistic theology ·

Fourth Council of the Lateran · historical roots of Catholic Eucharistic theology ·Holy Day of Obligation ·

Liturgical Movement · Missale Romanum · Mysterium Fidei (encyclical) · origin of the Eucharist ·

Pope Pius XII Liturgy Reforms · Pro multis · Quo Primum · Roman Catholic theology · Sacraments

of the Catholic Church ·sacristy · Summorum Pontificum · traditionalist Catholic · Tra le sollecitudini ·

Vatican II (Sacrosanctum Concilium) ·Year of the Eucharist


ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials Plus

Old and New Testament Abstracts



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