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MKTG 340: Marketing Research: Surveys/Questionnaires

This guide provides resources for the course, MKTG 340: Marketing Research.

Searching for Surveys/Questionnaires

Sometimes you can search on the web for actual surveys. However, some questionnaires or surveys are published within an article. To find them, do an article search in a database (examples: Business Source Premier, PsycINFO for psychology, SocINDEX for sociology, ERIC for education) on the topic of interest and add in the keywords survey* or questionnaire*.

In some cases, the actual questionnaire or survey is not published with the article, but is referred to within the text. In this case, look at the bibliography and find the reference to the questionnaire/survey itself, or to the original article where the questionnaire or survey was published. From that information, you should be able to track it down.

Some survey instruments are not free, and need to be purchased from the developer.

  • In Business Source Premier, these terms might be helpful:
    • Questionnaires
    • College student surveys
    • Computer surveys
    • Consumer surveys
    • Customer satisfaction surveys
    • Email surveys
    • Examinations
  • Google Scholar searches academic materials such as peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts, and technical reports from broad areas of research. It searches a variety of undisclosed academic publishers, professional societies, and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web.
  • In PsycINFO:
    • Attitude measures
    • Questionnaires
    • Opinion survey
    • General health questionnaires
    • Surveys
    • Mail surveys
    • Consumer surveys
    • Telephone surveys
    • Test construction
    • Test items
  • In SocINDEX:
    • Attitudes
    • Surveys
    • Questionnaires
    • Scales
    • Tests
  • In ERIC:
    • Surveys
    • Evaluation methods

Books on Market Research