Use these suggestions to perform your own searches for current content about AI and Machine Learning technology. As a keyword search strategy in LibrarySearch or one of the other research databases, try: "quantum computing" OR "edge computing" OR 5G. As a next step, add additional terms using a Boolean "AND" operator like: "quantum computing" AND "banking". As you find quality articles, look in the item's record for any subject headings that seem promising to expand your search.
(image credit: Pixabay, 2019)
Search Tips:
Try the following sources to search for articles or data on this topic:
Industry analysis and data for United States, Canada, China, and global industries.
Market research reports from the consumer perspective for U.S. and global markets.
University-wide subscription to the digital edition of the esteemed British newsweekly. Includes current and prior coverage back to 1997; see the separate Economist Historical Archive for coverage back to 1843.
Analysis, market data, and statistics on the internet, e-commerce, online marketing, social media, and emerging digital technologies around the world.