Use these suggestions to perform your own searches for current content about Augmented and Virtual Reality technology.
As a keyword search strategy in LibrarySearch or one of the other research databases, try: AR OR VR OR XR OR "augmented reality" OR "virtual reality" OR "extended reality". As a next step, add additional terms using a Boolean "AND" operator like: "virtual reality" AND "internet of things". As you find quality articles, look in the item's record for any subject headings that seem promising to expand your search.
(image credit: Pixabay, 2019)
Search Tips:
Try the following sources to search for articles or data on this topic:
Industry analysis and data for United States, Canada, China, and global industries.
Market research reports from the consumer perspective for U.S. and global markets.
University-wide subscription to the digital edition of the esteemed British newsweekly. Includes current and prior coverage back to 1997; see the separate Economist Historical Archive for coverage back to 1843.
Analysis, market data, and statistics on the internet, e-commerce, online marketing, social media, and emerging digital technologies around the world.
The literature on these emerging technologies is vast and growing. To whet your appetite and explain some of the basics, here's a very brief selection of articles, chapters, and ebooks on Augmented & Virtual Reality (updated periodically).
Check out our Virtual Reality guide to see what devices and resources are available to help you gain experience with VR, including access to the VR lab in the OSF Library run by STELAR.