Researchers are often interested in knowing what proportion of a company's stock is held by insiders, large investors, institutions, or other shareholders. Here are some resources for finding that information.
Marianne Hageman
Jim Kelly
Andrea Koeppe
Public company financial data, SEC filings, and industry information. Investment analyst reports available via the Investext module.
Note: Mergent will be discontinuing the Mergent Online platform in mid-2025. Its replacement, Mergent Market Atlas, is available now.
Information on stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs, plus economic and market news and analysis.
Most databases and financial web sites provide only a few years of stock price history. Daily stock price history is available in relatively fewer sources.
Contains current information on companies, industries, and financial markets. It also contains up-to-the-minute news articles from publications around the world and many smaller market news sources, trade magazines, and journals. Limited to 6 simultaneous users.