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SimplyAnalytics: Searching

A guide on how to use SimplyAnalytics

Searching for Locations

You can search for locations by clicking on Locations in the left panel. A location can be almost any geography type (USA, state, congressional district, county, ZIP code, Census Tract, Block Group, or address.) You can select multiple locations.

Click Custom Locations -> Show to open the options menu. You can create view your custom locations, create a radius location, or create a combination location.

To do an address search, enter a street address and city. You will get this message: No matching locations found. Trying to search by address? Enter the address above and click “Address Search”.

Searching for Data Variables

You can search for data variables by clicking Data in the left panel.

Search by keywords using the Search box, then make your selection(s) in the center window.

You can Browse by Category (Popular Data, Population, Age, Gender, etc.), or by Data Folder. The most popular variables other than census demographic variables are MRI-Simmons data. You may have to try different keywords to find relevant terms. For example, you will not find much by searching the term "sustainability" in SimplyAnalytics, but you can search for similar terms (eco-friendly, environmentally friendly, organic, recycle, green, natural, etc.)

You may get multiple results with your search terms. Scroll or filter to get fewer results. You'll often see similar variables with # in front of one and % in front of the other. # is the estimated number, and the other is percentage. Often, users want % because that gives you a comparable number. When you find the variable you want, click on the three dots on the right side of the variable, and click "Use this Data Variable."

Searching for Businesses

You can search for businesses by clicking Businesses in the left panel (if it's greyed out, you may need to create a Business Table, and then search Businesses.) 

Search by keywords using the Search box.

Click Browse business categories to select businesses by NAICS or SIC codes.

Click Use advanced search to use a refined keyword search.

Managing/Updating Variables

When you add new location and data variables, they are not always visible. But, since you've added them to a project, they’re easily added to any table/report or map. Under View Actions, select Edit View, to see the building blocks in your Current View, then add or remove them to create the exact report or map that you want.

Locations, Data Variables, and Businesses

Locations are the geographic areas used in creating a map or report. Select them by clicking on the Locations icon, and searching for a location or geographic area. Locations are based on States, Congressional Districts, counties, cities, zip codes, census tracks, and block groups. You can also search on a specific address.

Data variables are the statistical data that a map or report is based on. A variable can be demographic information or marketing information, including activities people are participating in, purchases they are making, and their attitudes and opinions on different topics. Select variables by selecting the Data icon. On the left side of the screen, you can browse data variables by folders, by categories, or by datasets (for example, Simmons consumer survey data.) You can also search by keyword.

Businesses are business locations and/or points of interest. You can search by keyword, such as pizza, or a business name. You can also browse industry codes (NAICS or SIC), or do an Advanced Search.