When you create a new Project, it will default to the map View. Once you have made a map, it is easy to locations and variables.You can select from new Data variables and Locations from the panel on the left, use the drop-down menus at the top to edit the View.
To edit the map legend, select the Edit button. You can change the color scheme, and classification method.
To change the location, select Locations from the panel on the left, and choose another location.
To overlay business locations onto a map, select Businesses from the panel on the left. You can search by keyword, such as pizza, or a business name. You can also browse industry codes, or do an Advanced Search. You can select a point to view more information about each business.
When you search for a business, a business report is auto-generated for you. A Business Table View contains detailed information about the businesses in your search (for an example, see the Tables tab.) You can change the businesses you see by selecting the Businesses tab on the left, and running another search.
When you add new location and data variables, they are not always visible. But, since you've added them to a project, they’re easily added to any table/report or map. Under View Actions, select Edit View, to see the building blocks in your Current View, then add or remove them to create the exact report or map that you want.
Quantiles (National): This is the default method used to classify each area on the map, and works for most situations. Breakpoints are calculated so that each category contains about the same number of features. "National" uses a sample of locations from throughout the USA to calculate the breakpoints.
Example: If there are 35,000 ZIP Codes nationally and you have 5 categories the legend is calculated so there are theoretically 7,000 ZIPs in each category.
Quantile classes (sometimes called percentiles) are perhaps the easiest to understand, but they can be misleading if the data being mapped is not distributed normally. For example, population counts are usually not suitable for quantile classification because only a few places are highly populated. Use population density or percentages for more meaningful maps.
Quantiles (Local): Breakpoints are calculated so that each category contains about the same number of features. "Local" uses a sample of locations from your current view to calculate the breakpoints. This method usually ensures the map will show more colors. For example, if there are 50 ZIP codes visible on your map, and you choose to display them in five classes, the map will show 10 ZIP codes per color.