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Music & Media Collections: Naxos

Gaining access to the shared faculty account

  • Only faculty can create course-related playlists in Naxos Music Library (classical) or Naxos Music Library Jazz.
  • A special administrative password is required.  Please contact for the password.
  • All faculty share the same administrative password.  Please be very careful to add, change, or delete only your playlists and folders!
  • Do not give the password out to students.   Note that the password will change every school year.
  • Folders must be labeled by the course name, course number, and faculty name (i.e., World Music 101/Smith).
  • Remember to  Log-Out  when you are finished.

IMPORTANT!  Since all faculty are sharing the same administrative password, all faculty also have access to every folder and playlist.  PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL TO SELECT ONLY YOUR OWN FOLDERS AND PLAYLISTS, so you do not inadvertently edit or delete someone else's folder or playlist.

Finding the UST playlist page

  • Go to the special Naxos administrator web address and log in using the special user name and password.
  • Click the PLAYLISTS tab.

  •  Select the UNIVERSITY OF ST. THOMAS PLAYLISTS tab.  Note that if you select MY PLAYLIST, only you will be able to see and use the completed playlist.


Creating playlists in your folder

To create a playlist within the folder:

  • Make sure you're in the UST playlist tab (no. 1 in the illustration below).
  • Make sure your folder is open (no. 2).
  • Click NEW PLAYLIST (no. 3).
  • Fill out the info for this particular playlist.
  • You may have several playlists within a folder.

Once you've created a playlist within a folder:

  • Search for your desired work/s.
  • Select the works (entire album, entire work, specific tracks) by checking the appropriate boxes (no. 1 below).
  • Click ADD TO PLAYLIST and follow the instructions provided (no. 2).
  • NOTE that each playlist can only hold sixty tracks of music, i.e., single- and multiple-movement works whose total number of tracks add up to sixty.  You may need to make multiple playlists to accomodate your course needs.


 To add works to an existing or new playlist:

  • Always choose the University of St. Thomas Playlists tab.
  • Choose your correct folder.
  • Select an existing playlist or create a new playlist.


Remember to  Log-Out  of the special administrator account when you are finished.  If you don't logout, no one else will be able to make a playlist.

When you and your students now go into Naxos Music Library or Naxos Jazz via the regular routes  library databases, etc.) they can click on the "Playlist" tab to see your playlists.