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Fulbright Scholarship Guide

Resources to help you as you develop your Fulbright application

Welcome - Fulbright Research

This guide is intended to support the research of St. Thomas students applying for the Fulbright study/research award.   Applicants for study/research awards design their own projects and will typically work with advisers at foreign universities or other institutes of higher education. The study/research awards are available in approximately 140 countries. Program requirements vary by country, so the applicant’s first step is to familiarize themselves with the program summary for the host country.

This guide will walk you through the steps that you need to complete in order to write your application.  Those are:

More information

For more information and to apply for US Student Program, please contact Judith Dorin, Director of Prestigious International Scholarships, or see the OneStThomas page about Fulbright Grants.

Schedule a consultation - Meet with a librarian or the Fulbright adviser to talk more about the Fulbright application and to think through your research idea.

The Fulbright Timeline

The following apply to all types of Fulbright U.S. Student Grants:

Departure from the United States

Departure dates corre­spond to the academic calendars abroad. Approximate dates of the academic years in the various countries can be found in the Country Summaries. Requirements for at­tendance at orientation programs, where applicable, in the host country are indicated in the Country Summaries.

Grant period

In most cases, grant dates must correspond to the academic calendar of the host country. Exceptions may be made for grants with full-time research projects. Applicants are expected to provide a timeline for their project in the Statement of Grant Purpose.