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Fulbright Scholarship Guide

Resources to help you as you develop your Fulbright application

Contact Fulbright Advisor

Fulbright Adviser Consultations

St. Thomas Fulbright Adviser, Jonathan Stoltz is happy to meet with you to talk through:

  • The Fulbright application process
  • Developing your idea or project
  • Choosing a country and affiliation
  • Fitting your project to country requirements (is it well-focused and well-grounded in a place?)
  • Feasibility of the project
  • Writing your project proposal

Dr. Jonathan Stoltz

Director of Prestigious International Scholarships
(651) 962-5366 

Schedule a consultation

Questions about the process?

Take a look at the St. Thomas page about Fulbright grants.

Fulbright Advisor Consultations

Sign up to meet with Laura Bru, Program Manager of Undergraduate Research Programs, to talk about the process and your applications

Librarian Research Consultations

St. Thomas librarians are happy to help you with your research. We can help you with the following parts 

  • Finding an affiliation in a host country
  • Searching for country information
  • Searching within your discipline to develop your idea or project
  • Finding background or contextual information about your idea or project

Find a Subject Librarian

Our Subject Librarians specialize in research methods and sources for different subjects.  Chose a subject from the list below to find the librarian who specializes in that subject.  Please reach out to your subject librarian and schedule a consultation.


Not sure which librarian to work with?

Contact Karen Brunner to talk through your ideas.  She can help you get started and refer you to another librarian if need be.