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Fulbright Scholarship Guide

Resources to help you as you develop your Fulbright application

Step 3: Find an affiliation

A majority of Fulbrighters undertaking study/research awards will affiliate with universities, although in some countries it is possible to affiliate with other types of organizations, such as research institutes or government ministries. Affiliation requirements vary by country, so before starting the application you should note the specific requirements for the proposed host country. Most countries will require a formal affiliation letter that should come from the institution/individual in the host country with whom you are proposing to work. It should be written in or translated to English, printed on official letterhead and should be signed by the author.  The following resources will help you find a host country affiliation.

International Affiliations and Contacts

  • Fulbright Scholar Directory
    List of Fulbright scholars since 2010.  Information includes the scholar's home institution, host institution, and the topic of their Fulbright project.  These are Fulbright Scholars, not student grantees, which means they are faculty, administers, or other professionals who particpated in the Fulbright Scholars program.  They may be more open to working with Fulbright grantees or have connections they are willing to share.
  • UN NGO Database 
    Non-Governmental Organizations database compiled by the NGO Liaison Office of the Director-General's Office at UNOG.
  • Worldwide NGO Directory 
    "The World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (WANGO) is an international organization uniting NGOs worldwide in the cause of advancing peace and global well being. WANGO helps to provide the mechanism and support needed for NGOs to connect, partner, share, inspire, and multiply their contributions to solve humanity’s basic problems."

Search for Scholarship in Scopus

Scopus is a multi-disciplinary database that allows you to search published scholarly research in many different ways.  For instance, you can search for research from a specific country (in the image below, Iceland) on a particular topic (in the image below, climate and incentives).  You can use then look at the results to find scholars and universities and affiliations that are working on research that you are interested in.

Scopus example:

Where is climate policy research being done in Iceland.

1. Find research on climate policy that is being done in Iceland since 2016:

Screen shot of Scopus search screen.  Topic keywords "climate AND policy" are in the Article title, abstract, and keywords fields; country "Iceland" is in the Affiliation Country field; Date range is limited to 2016 - present

2.  Click Analyze search results to see charts of the research by attribute

screen shot of Scopus results with "Analyze search results" highlighted.

3. Analyze results by Affiliation to see where the research is happening. 

In this example, University of Iceland has produced the most published research on this topic in Iceland. 

Note that some of the institutions are not in Iceland.  This search found research that had at least one researcher in Iceland, but when you analyze by affiliation, it takes into account the affiliations of all the researchers.

screenshot of Scopus Analyse Results page showing results by affiliation

4. Look at specific research articles

You can find contact information for the authors as well as learning about what research has already been done on this topic.

screenshot of document detail page in Scopus showing where the author contact information is