This site, from Weslayan University, provides links to over 4,000 web sites in social psychology. It includes searching capabilities within the web site.
This site is set up for teachers and students of psychology and includes manu resources of interest to those doing research in the field. It includes online books, web-based journals and many links to different topics in psychology.
This resource identifies the "best" Web sites in the field. They also identify good research sites in specific areas of psychology, such as "Clinical", "Cognitive", "Dreams", "History", and "Psychologists.
This is a general information site which includes basic mental health dscriptions and definitions. It includes the latest news in the field an dlinks to newsgroups of interest. It is more of a general news site than a research site, but it gives good basic information.
Psychology Associations/Organizations
These resources are associations, organizations, and agencies which are of interest to psychology researchers:
This is the official home page of the American Psychological Association. In addition to providiing information on the association and its members, it provides access to other resources on the WWW of interest to those doing psychological research. Check out the resources they have to offer, including PsycCAREERS and KidsPSYCH.