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+ Psychology (Undergraduate Research): Finding Books

This guide is a resource for students doing psychology course research. It will lead you to databases with helpful journal articles, books, websites, and other resources.

Search for Books and eBooks

LibrarySearch provides a simple, one-stop search for books, articles, videos, recordings, and more. Items from St. Thomas and other regional libraries can be requested online and delivered to the St. Thomas library of your choice. My account

Annual Reviews

Every year, top researchers are invited to write literature reviews of critical issues to the designated field.
Read "Full Text HTML" online (includes links to sections of the paper on the right) and by "Download PDF" offline.

Guide to all the cool things from Annual Reviews

Reference Resources in Electronic format

These resources are available in ebook format through the CLICnet catalog.  Click on the title link to go to the record in CLICnet which provides access to that publication.

Psychology Reference Resources

These resources provide basic and background information for psychology research

Encyclopedia of Psychology

Jointly published by the American Psychological Association and Oxford University Press. Articles are written by authorities in the field and include extensive bibliographies. Search in PsycBOOKS for the entire set and/or specific articles.
     Volume 1 : A-B  
     Volume 2 : C-Determinants
     Volume 3 : Developmental-Goodenough
     Volume 4 : Government-Learned
     Volume 5 : Learning-Oppositional
     Volume 6 : Optimism-Rapaport
     Volume 7 : Rape-S
     Volume 8 : T-Z

Other Resources for Psychology

These are other encyclopedias and handbooks which provide an overview of information for specific topics within the field of Psychology.

APA Handbooks