Publicly-traded companies must file financial statements with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the body that oversees all U.S. stock exchanges. The most useful is the 10-K, an official audited document that includes similar information from a prospectus or annual report, but provides additional updated financial information on corporate activities. Filings can be found at the SEC's Edgar Database.
These SEC filings are the basis for a company's annual report as well as of the financial statements found in our databases.
For more detailed information click here.
Contains comprehensive company information from international public companies, detailed industry reports, analyst reports, SEC filings, and market research.
Subscription does not include access to Business Contact credits (direct dial and email addresses).
Public company financial data, SEC filings, and industry information. Investment analyst reports available via the Investext module.
Note: Mergent will be discontinuing the Mergent Online platform in mid-2025. Its replacement, Mergent Market Atlas, is available now.
Information on stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs, plus economic and market news and analysis.
Powerful business and consumer research database that offers access to information on millions of businesses and households across the United States. It provides data on company profiles, business demographics, industry information, and residential listings. Exporting of data is limited to batches of 500 items at a time.
Public companies have shares of stock or other registered securities that are bought and sold by the public on one of the stock exchanges. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires publicly traded companies to file extensive information with them, which is available online.
Private companies are not traded on any stock exhange. Generally, they do not have to file any documents with the SEC, so it can be more challenging to find information on them.
FRED is short for Federal Reserve Economic Data. FRED is an online database consisting of hundreds of thousands of economic data time series from scores of national, international, public, and private sources. FRED combines data with a powerful mix of tools that help the user understand, interact with, display, and disseminate the data.