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Marketing Resources: Books/Videos

Use this guide to find a variety of resources for marketing research: company and industry profiles, marketing plans, target markets, and customer demographics.

Using Books

Use books to find comprehensive and in-depth coverage of various topics, background information, and overviews of big topics, as well as book chapters on more specific topics.

Search for Books and eBooks

LibrarySearch provides a simple, one-stop search for books, articles, videos, recordings, and more. Items from St. Thomas and other regional libraries can be requested online and delivered to the St. Thomas library of your choice. My account

Find Books in Marketing

The search box above will perform a basic keyword search.  An advanced search will let you search by keyword, publication title, author, subject terms, or call number.  Once you find a relevant book or two, look within those records for promising subject headings: click on one of them to perform a new search on that term to find more. Be sure to browse the shelves in the area where you find a promising book.

Sample search terms include:

Export Marketing
Internet Advertising
Internet Marketing
Market Surveys
Marketing Research
New Products
Retail Trade
Service Industries - Marketing
Small Business Marketing
Social Media

Browse the Shelves by Library of Congress Classifications: The following Library of Congress classifications may be useful when browsing in the library for books on Marketing:

HF5410-5417.5 is Marketing, distribution of products
HF5419-5422 is Wholesale trade
HF5428-5429.6 is Retail trade
HF5429.7-5430.6 is Shopping centers and shopping malls
HF5437-5444 is Selling
HF5460-5469.5 is Department stores, mail order, supermarkets, and convenience stores
HF5801-6182 is Advertising

LibrarySearch Video Search

Search results limited to DVDs and some streaming films.

Films on Demand - Streaming

Films on Demand

Watch streaming video titles in art, business, engineering, history, languages, literature, psychology, sociology, sciences and more. Thousands of full-length videos available. Advanced Search.

VAST Streaming Videos