International Personality Item Pool
IPIP provides more than 325 personality scales and measures, by experts, in the public domain and therefore freely available for use. Includes information on reliability, validity, and guidance on how to administer and score, also how to cite the resource. Updated frequently.
Once you have a review of the test, expand your learning by seeing how researchers use the test in their empirical articles or dissertations. PsycINFO is a great place to locate articles that used the test in their methodology.
You'll see a list of results that contain articles and dissertations that may have used the test you're researching in their methodology.
If you find an article in PsycINFO that says "Get It", you'll be sent to the UST libraries search:
Once in the UST Search select the "Short Cut to PDF" button:
Once you get the full text, read through the article to see if it contains more information about how the researcher utilized the test.
ETS (Educational Testing Services) is a nonprofit that collects citations to commercially available tests (with links to purchase) and organizes citations to empirical articles that contain unpublished tests and assessments. Start by searching for the criteria you would like a test or assessment on:
You'll be taken to a list of tests. Some tests and assessments have citations within the record:
Using that citation, find the full text on the library homepage (which will allow you access to databases UST subscribes to). The article should contain an empirical study that utilized the test. Read the article for more information about the test or assessment.
© 2023 University of St. Thomas, Minnesota