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CPSY604: Psychological Assessments : Getting Started


This research guide covers all the information you will need to complete your Test Review Paper for CPSY 604.  

  • What is a Psychological Test? Psychological tests are instruments that measure or assess a particular variable like memory or a specific personality trait or feeling in a standardized way. That's why they are sometimes called tests, and other times called measurements or assessments. 

Tests fall into two different types: 

  • Published Tests: are available from a test publisher. People administering the test need permission from the publisher to administer the tests. For example, in order to administer some tests that measure learning ability, a person must have a degree that states they know how to administer the test responsibly or the publisher will not sell them a test. Examples of published tests would be WISV-V, Woodcock Johnson, and Beck's Depression Inventory. 
  • Unpublished Tests: are usually available in empirical academic articles. These tests were used as part of the methodology in a researcher study and are not commercially available from a test publisher. Instead, the researcher often authored the test them self or used one (with permission) another researcher created. 

UST libraries do not collect any commercially available tests or assessments. 

Helpful Websites: Finding Tests

Find Psychological & Educational Testing Instruments: (From Penn State) FAQs about how to find tests and measurement instruments 

Finding Information About Psychological Tests (APA): FAQs about the process and details of finding tests.


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Conrad Woxland
O'Shaughnessy-Frey | LIB 114
Subjects: Education, Psychology