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CPSY604: Psychological Assessments : Finding Reviews of Published Tests

Finding Test Reviews in Mental Measurements Yearbook

The database Mental Measurements Yearbook contains reviews of more than 2000 commercially available tests. All reviews contain descriptive information (like, test purpose, publisher, reliability, etc) and are written by leading experts. NOTE: The database is limited to four simultaneous users - if the database does not work, try again at a later time. 

There are two ways to find test reviews in Mental Measurements: 

  • Enter the test name into the first search box and change "Select a Field" to "TI Test Name"

Change drop down to "Test Title"

  • Enter the variable you would like to study to see which tests assess that particular trait. 

type "emotional development" into the search bar to see examples of tests that study that variable

Reviews often start with highlights, but scroll down to see the full text of the review.

Finding Test Reviews in PsycINFO

The database PsycINFO contains scholarly articles, books, book reviews, and some test reviews. Type the name of the test you want more information on in the search bar. If you are searching for specific criteria about a test (like validity), you can also add the term to your search. 

Once you find an article that looks relevant, skim the abstract to see what the article is all about. The database may contain the full text of the article, or you may need to click the "Get It" button. You can also try copying the citation and pasting it into library search on the library homepage. 

After you've read the article, it can be beneficial to look at the references in the article's bibliography to see where the authors got their information. This can lead you to other articles that will give you a full picture of the test or assessment. Some databases (like PsycINFO) even have a handy section that shows you all the articles that are cite the article you're reading, as well as links to the articles in the bibliography. 

The test you are writing a review paper on may appear in both Mental Measurements Yearbook and PsycINFO - or it may appear in only one of them. 


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Conrad Woxland
O'Shaughnessy-Frey | LIB 114
Subjects: Education, Psychology