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EBSCOhost Database - Search Tips: Full Text Availability

This page offers tips on finding the full text of articles

Finding Full Text from the Results List

The full text of the article is available directly under the source information. The full text is available in different formats (from the database, as a pdf or as an HTML file, and from another St. Thomas database). Each format delivers the same content: 

From the database: 

A screenshot of one article from a results list from a database. Under the citation information the "Full Text from ERIC" button is highlighted in red

As a PDF: 

A screenshot of one article from a results list from a database. Under the citation information the "PDF Full Text" button is highlighted in red

Using "Get It @ UST Libraries": This button will connect you to a different database that has the full text of the article you're looking for. It requires two steps: 

A screenshot of one article from a results list from a database. Under the citation information the "Get IT @ UST" button is highlighted in red

Once you see the LibrarySearch site, click on the database below "Full Text Availability": 

The article record from LibrarySearch. Under the citation information, the button to the full text in a SAGE database is highlighted in red

Full Text Through Interlibrary Loan

When you see the "Get It @ UST Libraries" Button, this usually means the full text is available in a different database and the button will connect you with the full text. Sometimes, it means that the UST Libraries does not own the full text of the article and you can order it from another library. A pdf of the article will be emailed to your St. Thomas email within 24 hours. This process takes three steps: 

Step 1: click on the "Get It @ UST Libraries" Button

A screenshot of one article from a results list from a database. Under the citation information the "Get IT at UST Libraries" button is highlighted in red

Step 2: Click on "Get It" under "Request Options": 

The article record from LibrarySearch. Under the citation information, the highlighted button says "Get a Digital Copy. Delivered in 24 hours by email. GET IT"

Step 3: Check the box confirming you intend to use the article for personal use only and click the send button. 

the Request Digital Version request form requesting student email. The green Send button is highlighted in red.

You'll receive a pdf of the article in your St. Thomas inbox within 24 hours.