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Writing Resources for Law Students

General and legal dictionaries and grammar, composition, and style guides.

Plagiarism - Books

Web Resources

Law School Plagiarism v. Proper Attribution (PDF)
This publication from the Legal Writing Institute discusses, with examples, plagiarism and how and when to properly cite an author.

The Writer's Handbook: Avoiding Plagiarism
From the University of Wisconsin Madison, this publication covers plagiarism and how to properly quote and paraphrase.

Safe Practices
Purdue's Online Writing Lab has created a guide of best practices for avoiding plagiarism.

Plagiarism - Journal Articles

Use Google Scholar and search by the article title for the following articles.

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Use FIND IT@UST Libraries to get the full-text if not available in Google Scholar.


Robert D. Bills, Plagiarism in Law School: Close Resemblance of the Worst Kind, 31 Santa Clara L. Rev., 103-133 (1990).

Justin Carter & Lillian Corbin, Is Plagiarism Indicative of Prospective Legal Practice?, 17 Legal Educ. Rev., 53-66 (2007).

Catherine L. Fisk, Credit Where It's Due: The Law and Norms of Attribution, 95 Geo. L.J., 49-117 (2006).

Kristin Gerdy, Law Student Plagiarism: Why It Happens, Where It's Found, and How to Find It, 431 BYU Educ. & L.J., 431-440 (2004).

Deborah Gerhardt, Plagiarism in Cyberspace: Learning the Rules of Recycling Content with a View towards Nurturing Academic Trust in an Electronic World, 12 Rich. J.L. & Tech., 1-29 (2006). 

David Glenn, The Price of Plagiarism, 51 Chron. Higher Educ., A.17 (2004).

Stuart P. Green, Plagiarism, Norms, and the Limits of Theft Law: Some Observations on the Use of Criminal Sanctions in Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights, 54 Hastings L.J., 167-242 (2002).

Naveed Imran, Electronic Media, Creativity, and Plagiarism, 40 SIGCAS Comp. & Soc’y, 25-44 (2010).

Anita Jowitt, The Impact of Plagiarism on Admission to the Bar: Re Liveri [2006] QCA 152, 11 J. S. Pac. L., 213-217 (2007).

Pamela Samuelson, Good Legal Writing: Of Orwell and Window Panes, 46 U. Pitt. L. Rev., 150 (1984).