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ASA/ASR Citation Style Guide: Citing Articles

This is a guide on how to use the American Sociological Association citation style. It provides examples of basic formats for sources using ASA/ASR Style.

Articles found in print resources

Print Journal articles:



Author(s). Year of publication. "Article Title." Journal Title 
       Volume #(Issue #): Page numbers.


Jones, James. 1999. "Writing with Style."  Style
      Writing Journal 12(6): 14-33.

Newspaper/Magazine Articles

Newspaper Print Example:

Blake, Laurie. 2010. "The Great (Sheltered) Outdoors; Small, Basic
          Cabins Built By Prison Inmates Keep People Camping After
          Tents Have Lost Their Allure." Star Tribune, July 6, pg. A1.

Newspaper Online Example:

Blake, Laurie. 2010. "The Great (Sheltered) Outdoors; Small, Basic
          Cabins Built By Prison Inmates Keep People Camping After
          Tents Have Lost Their Allure." Star Tribune, July 6, pg. A1.
          Retrieved December 14, 2015 (
          url= docview/596827708/

Magazine Example:

Kluger, Jeffrey. 2010. "Keeping Young Minds Healthy." Time,
          November 1, pp 40-50.

Magazine Online Example:

Kluger, Jeffrey. 2010. "Keeping Young Minds Healthy." Time,
          November 1, pp 40-50. Retrieved December 15, 2015


Articles found in online resources

Online full-text journal article citation: 


Online articles WITHOUT DOI (notice that page numbers are not included):


Author(s). Date of publication. "Article title."  Journal title,
       Volume number (Issue number). Date retrieved (web 
       site address--use permanent or stable url, if available).


Heyman, Richard E. and Amy M. Smith Slep. 2002. "Do Child 
       Abuse and Interparental Violence Lead to Adulthood Family 
       Violence?" Journal of Marriage and Family 64 (4). Retrieved
       May 2, 2012 (

Online articles WITH DOI (notice that page numbers ARE included):


         Author(s). Date of publication. "Article title." Journal title,
               Volume number (Issue number): Page numbers. DOI.


         Gannon, Theresa, Rebecca Terriere, and Tirza Leader. 2012. 
               "Ward and Siegert's Pathways Model of child sexual offending: 
               a cluster analysis evaluation." Psychology, Crime & Law 18 (2): 
               129-153. doi: 10.1080/10683160903535917.

"Refereed" or "Peer-Reviewed Journals Information

"Peer review" is the process through which experts in a field of study examine and assess the quality of articles before they are published.  Peer review insures that the research described in a journal's articles is sound and of high quality.

Sometimes the term "refereed" is used instead of peer reviewed.

You can identify Peer reviewed journals in the following source: