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+Geology Resources

This guide is a resource for students doing geology course research. It will lead you to databases with useful journal articles, DVDs, and geology websites. This guide will also help you cite your sources in APA style.

Finding Gray Literature

Gray Literature in GeoRef

Find Gray Literature
  1. Go to the Advanced Search Screen. 
  2. Enter your keywords.
  3. Under "Document type," select the type(s) of document you wish to retrieve. These may include "conference document," "report,"or "thesis or dissertation."

GeoScienceWorld Search Strategies

Find Gray Literature
  1. Go to the Advanced Search Screen. 
  2. Enter your keywords.
  3. Under "GeoRef Document Type," select the type(s) of documents you wish to retrieve. These can include "conference document," "report," or "thesis or dissertation."

USGS Publications Warehouse

This site offers access to over 150,000 publications written by USGS scientists.

Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks of North America Database

The American Geological Institute maintains a database of geologic field trip guidebooks.  Some are available online, but many are not.  If the guidebook is available online, you'll see a "Get Full Text" link. You can narrow your search on online results by clicking "online" on the right side of the search results. Some of those links will take you to a site that requires you to pay for the guidebooks. You can request these through InterLibrary Loan, though you will need to get your requests in quickly and they may not arrive in time.  Make sure you only request a chapter from the guidebook, not the whole book (a chapter will be sent electronically as a pdf, the whole book will be sent via the mail and will not arrive in time)