Smithsonian Global Sound streaming audio database has more than 40,000 individual tracks of music, spoken word, and natural and human-made sounds from Smithsonian/Folkways and other record labels. Included are readings of literary and dramatic works, historic speeches, language instruction, natural sounds, environmental and mechanical sounds, sound effects, children's music, and traditional music from virtually everywhere in the world. Playlists can be created for personal or classroom use.
To link to a track or full album/video in Alexander Street Press products (Smithsonian Global Sound, Opera in Video), do the following:
1) Locate the album or track in the database
2) Click "Embed/Link":
3) In the window that opens, copy the link or the embed code as desired:
4) Paste the link URL in an External Links box in Canvas, a Word document, email, etc., or the embed code into a web page for use. Do not try to simply copy the URL from the browser's address bar as you normally would for a web site: that method will not work.
Off-campus users will be prompted for their UST username and password before accessing the resource. Faculty members should test the resulting links in their final form from on and off campus to be sure they work before sharing with students.
© 2023 University of St. Thomas, Minnesota