The Music and Media Collections located on the 3rd Floor (Room 309) of the O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library houses more than 50 thousand titles in streaming audio, streaming video, music CDs, DVD, and VHS.
Music & Media Collections Hours
Head of Access Services & Media Librarian
Amanda Breu
Music & Media Circulation:
The University of St. Thomas Libraries have a great collection of resources chosen to provide you with reliable information and services to help you make the most out of them. We link to information about all of our collections and services from our website, but that can get overwhelming.
Click the arrows on the right and left of the images to navigate through our top 5 places or use the dots below.
The subject librarians create guides for every subject taught at St. Thomas. They also make guides for many of our courses and guides around different topics and current events. These guides will point you to the best starting places for your research and will give you expert advice on how to use them.
Make sure to take a look at our community and how-to guides for other topics like how to cite your sources or information resources for voting and civic engagement.
It happens to all of us, sometimes you're using the library and just need to ask a quick question. Well, fear not! We have many ways to help you. Use the Chatbox that is always in the lower-left corner of our website. Chats are answered 24/7 by a librarian. If our librarians aren't working when you are, a librarian from another university will be online to answer the chat. If chat isn't your thing, click Ask a Librarian in the upper left corner to send your question in via our Ask a Librarian form, call us, or check our reference desk hours, when you can come in and talk with a Peer Research Assistant or librarian in person.
Subject Librarians are experts on the information resources in a particular subject, and we're here to help you make the best use of those resources! We can work with you at any stage of your research process: from defining your topic to finding and evaluating sources to citing them correctly.
Want to find out who your librarian is for a specific course? Click "Subject Librarians" under the About menu. Your subject librarian is happy to meet with you the help with any research questions you have in their area. You can make an appointment online or send them an email.
Our libraries are open late so you can come to study and use our resources when it fits in your schedule. Each library has different hours and our hours change depending on the day, so we've made it easy by listing today's hours on the right side of our website. Click on "Full Calendar of Hours" to see our hours on any particular day.
#5: LibrarySearch
LibrarySearch is the libraries' online search tool. Using LibrarySearch, you can find: books and ebooks; dvds and streaming video; articles in journals and magazines; images; reference sources; datasets; ...and more
Check out our LibrarySearch guide if you want to learn more about how to use LibrarySearch. Or, ask a librarian!
Chat with us during library reference hours using the chat in the lower right corner of this page, or visit Ask a Librarian.
O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library
651-962-5494 (Library Services Desk)
651-962-5400 (Hours)
2115 Summit Ave, St. Paul, MN 55105
Directions & Parking
Library Hours
Charles J. Keffer Library
MOH 206, 1000 LaSalle Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403
Directions & Parking
Library Hours
Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library
2260 Summit Ave, St. Paul, MN 55105
Directions & Parking
Library Hours
Schoenecker Law Library
1000 LaSalle Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403
Directions & Parking
Library Hours