Use this site as a guide to finding and using datasets for BUAN 600, BUAN 620, and similar courses.
Don't hesitate to contact me to discuss your data quest. We can connect in person, via telephone, email, or Zoom online meeting.
The resources here constitute test, sample, or practice data, or representative samples of live datasets that may be used in teaching and learning statistical analysis techniques. I recommend using these when the actual topic or question of your research is secondary to learning the techniques--if that is not the case, and the substance of the data matters, see our Datasets & Statistics guide or contact our Data Services Librarian.
Public company, mutual fund, and ETF data plus SEC filings, analyst research reports, industry reports, and stock screening & charting tools.
Demographics, psychographics, product usage, spending behavior, and media habits of U.S. adult consumers, based on national consumer surveys. Use it to create your own custom reports.
Global e-commerce data about individual online stores, market segments by country, brand and trend reports, etc. for thousands of stores in 50 countries.
Financials and information for hard-to-research private companies.
Create an individual PrivCo account (optional, but recommended)
The GSS is a nationally representative survey of adults in the United States conducted since 1972. It contains a standard 'core' of demographic, behavioral, and attitudinal questions, plus topics of special interest. Explore, analyze, extract, and share custom sets of data using the GSS Data Explorer.
NOTE: Users must create a free GSS account for full functionality (dataset download, etc.)
Global statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics in areas such as business, education, finance, media, politics, society, and technology.
Annual time series data on demographic, political, legislative, economic, and social science variables from 1815 to the present for over 200 countries.
Datasets from the social and behavioral sciences and specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields. Register for a (free, required) Researcher Passport account using your St. Thomas email address (and independent password) to download data sets. Click on "More Info" below for guidance.