Demographics, psychographics, product usage, spending behavior, and media habits of U.S. adult consumers, based on national consumer surveys. Use it to create your own custom reports.
MRI-Simmons Catalyst is a resource containing data about consumer behavior, media consumption, and attitudes.
Some examples of how you can use data and reports from MRI-Simmons Catalyst:
Crosstab allows you to customize a target audience and find your target audience's demographics, psychographics, consumption, and other behaviors.
Quick Reports
Quick Reports provide various charts about your target audience, including charts about their demographic profile and segmentation.
Brand Catalyst
Brand Catalyst lets you look at target audiences/segmentation by generating consumer personas and brand insights without the need to create crosstabs.
Click on "Proceed" to access MRI-Simmons Catalyst.
No guest access. Use is limited to current students, faculty, and staff.