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An Initial Introduction to Theology & Religion Resources: Getting Started

Introductory guide to theological methods and resources.



Theological Research Guide

This guide covers many of the most useful resources in theology and religion, with suggestions for finding backgrounds, books, and articles for your course work. The emphasis in this guide is on Christian theology, and more specifically on Catholic theology. Use the tabs above to explore the many resources available to you.  

Remember that in the case of religion, recent publication dates do not necessarily mean that the content is "inferior" or "insignificant."


Books - Introductions to Theology

Off Campus Access


Online databases and electronic journals subscribed to by the UST Libraries are licensed for use by the St. Thomas community ONLY.  Because of this restriction, we need to verify that anyone accessing these databases is a current member of the St. Thomas community.


Profile Photo
Kathryn Burke
O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library | LIB 117
651 962-5027

Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library



Located on St. Paul's South Campus, Archbishop Ireland Memorial Library is the graduate theology library of UST and the Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity. It serves seminarians and lay students in graduate and continuing education programs, UST undergraduates, and archdiocesan parish professionals. Click on blue hyperlink below.

Call Number Ranges

The following are the general areas for various religious studies. 

  • BJ   Religions. Mythology. Rationalism
  • BM  Judaism
  • BP  Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc.
  • BQ  Buddhism
  • BR  Christianity
  • BS  The Bible
  • BT  Doctrinal Theology
  • BV  Practical Theology
  • BX  Christian Denominations

para hispanohablantes

UST Center for Writing

UST Writing CenterWould you like some expert assistance with writing and editing your paper? 

Check out the resources available from the Writing Center.