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Spanish Language: Finding Books

LibrarySearch - books

Results here are limited to books, ebooks, and book chapters.

Browsing the Stacks

Because Spanish-language books are scattered throughout our collection, the best way to see a list of books on a topic that interests you is to run a search in the LIbrarySearch box above and then use the limiters on the left side of the results page to limit your results to "Books," "On Shelf @ St. Thomas," and "Spanish."

The following is the best place to browse the UST libraries' holdings for Spanish literature:

Location: O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library - 4th Floor

Call number - PQ6000-8928

Digital Collections

Google Book Search

Google Book Search


Profile Photo
Scott Kaihoi
O’Shaughnessy-Frey Library | LIB 116
(651) 962-5013