On the Industries page, you can search in different sectors. Within each sector are different industries. For example: Food and Nutrition includes Cooking Ingredients and Meals, Dairy Products and Alternatives, Fresh Food, Health and Wellness, Snacks, and Staple Foods. Click "View all" to get to more reports.
You can filter/refine results by country, to get country-specific reports.
For example, a report on Fruits in Morocco.
Industrial reports (examples: energy, hairdressing, medical and surgical equipment, mobile phones, pharmaceuticals) are part of the B2B sector.
Or you can find them using keyword searching. Click "View All Results" to get more.
For example, a report on Medical and Surgical Equipment in India.
Not every industry will have the same level of data. This will vary. Broad industries (for example, Apparel and Footwear) will contain more data than narrower industries (such as Sportswear.)
Passport defines its industries according to the UN's ISIC rev. 3.1.