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These are databases with full text articles from both scholarly business journals and indsutry specific trade publications.
This is a comprehensive database that contains abstracts and the full text of thousands of business and news publications as well as country and industry reports, company profiles, SWOTs, and market research reports.
Contains peer-reviewed journals on a wide range of business topics, and is particularly strong in international management, human resources, information technology, and operations.
Published by the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), this is a searchable database of 15 full text management journals focused on decision sciences, information systems, supply chain management, and operations research. The full text extends back to November 1952 and the articles include tables, graphs, and references with some links to other full text articles.
Contains company and industry articles from thousands of scholarly, trade and news publications. It also includes company profiles, financial data, and industry reports from major and smaller, niche industries perfect for marketing and business plans.