Catholic Church Position on Stem Cell Research (USCCB): Church Documents and Teachings, Facts Sheets, Articles and Publications.
Dignitas Personae: Instruction from Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on ethical issues arising from biomedical research.
The Bioethics Research Library - Georgetown University: ethical issues related to biotechnology, biomedical research & healthcare
Bioethics Syllabus Exchange Database - Bioethics Research Library. A clearinghouse for syllabi to promote the study of bioethics
NOVA - Life's Greatest Miracle: Tracks the human development from embryo to newborn.
Life-Giving Love in an Age of Technology - USCCB 2009 Fall Assembly
The Catholic Campaign to End the Use of the Death Penalty (USCCB)
Catechism #2267: On the Death Penalty
The Legitimacy of Capital Punishment by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.
Culture of Life Foundation: to deepen public understanding of bioethics, marriage and family, human dignity and human solidarity.
Stem Cells For Dummies (Culture of Life Foundation): E. Christian Brugger, Ph.D., Senior Fellow in Ethics.
Human Embryology and Church Teachings ( Dianne N. Irving, M.A., Ph.D.
Human Life International: to promote & defend the sanctity of life according to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
Pro-Life Library on Compact Disc ($24.95): Contains thousands of documents, all hypertexted for easy browsing.
National Catholic Bioethics Center: Devoted to defending sanctity of life
Ethics of Stem Cell Research: Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D., National Catholic Bioethics Center
Nuffield Council on Bioethics: examines ethical issues raised by new developments in biology and medicine.
Oppose Destructive Stem-Cell Research (USCCB): urges users to contact Congress and NIH to express opposition to the draft guidelines.
Pontifical Academy for Life: Study interdisciplinary questions connected with human life, & foster a culture of life.
Pro-Life Activities Resource Page: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Research Institute for the Humanities: Christian resources for research and study
The Second Look Project (USCCB): Reconsider the scope of abortion law in the U.S.
The Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics: "dedicated to interdisciplinary research and education in biomedical ethics"
Stem Cell Information - Archdiocese of Detroit: Advocacy & Programming, Statements, News & Articles.
Stem Cell Research: Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics
Stem Cell Research (Learn.Genetics): An introduction to stem cells, the building blocks of the body. Issues in stem cell research. The dedicated to advancing, mobilizing, and representing pro-life women in the political process.
Catholics and "Do-Not-Resuscitate" (DNR) Orders: The Moral Principles Behind Its Ethical Use. William May - Culture of Life Foundation.
USCCB Respect for Life Materials
USCCB Position on Health Care Reform: "truly universal health policy with respect for human life and dignity."
USCCB - "Setting the Record Straight": Bishops' Position on Health Care Reform (May 21, 2010).
Cardinal George's Statement on Health Care - USCCB 2009 Fall Assembly
Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB): a faith-based leader in global healthcare.
"Principles of Catholic Social Teaching and Health Care Reform": Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann & Bishop Robert W. Finn
Search the Health Reform Bill: Updated - The Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010.
Books in
Italian – may be available via Interlibrary Loan:
* Formarsi alla bioetica e al valore della vita: linee guida per l'insegnamento della religione cattolica la catechesi, la parrocchia, l'animazione di quartiere. - Giovanni Russo. Collana Cultura e vita 1 Messina: Coop. S. Tom., 1996.
The book focuses on religious aspects of bioethics and medical ethics; a bibliography is included.
* Magistero della Chiesa, etica e bioetica. - Raimondo Frattallone. Collana Cultura e vita 6 Messina : Coop. S. Tom., 2003.
This book emphasizes the religious aspects of bioethics and medical ethics; a bibliography is included.
Provides papal encyclicals and other Catholic Church documents from 1226 to the present. Papal encyclicals and other documents may be browsed by Pope or searched by keyword. Includes the full text of papal encyclicals, apostolic letters, apostolic constitutions, apostolic exhortations, and other Papal communications.
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