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HIST 115 The World Since 1900 Kurhajec: Getting Materials from Other Libraries

research guide for the DFC section of HIST115 with Kurhajec

What does "GET IT" mean?

Click the GET IT button in any database to get the full text of an article.  If UST Libraries doesn't own it, you'll be given an option to request it from another library

More information

Requesting materials not at St. Thomas

  1. Search for the item you are looking for in LibrarySearch.
  2. If you don't locate it in our holdings, use the "expand my search beyond the St. Thomas Libraries" link above the search results to search other libraries who could share with us.
  3. If you expand your search and still can't find the item, use the "Still didn't find what you need? Submit a request" link above the search results to place a request via a blank form.