Public company financial data, SEC filings, and industry information. Investment analyst reports available via the Investext module.
Note: Mergent will be discontinuing the Mergent Online platform in mid-2025. Its replacement, Mergent Market Atlas, is available now.
Information on stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs, plus economic and market news and analysis.
Public company, mutual fund, and ETF data plus SEC filings, analyst research reports, industry reports, and stock screening & charting tools.
Private and public U.S. and international business data.
Financials and information for hard to research private companies.
Powerful business and consumer research database that offers access to information on millions of businesses and households across the United States. It provides data on company profiles, business demographics, industry information, and residential listings. Exporting of data is limited to batches of 500 items at a time.
To find additional company research databases please visit UST Libraries' Company Information Research Guide. (Please note that access to subscription databases within guides is limited to current students, faculty, and staff)