Not sure where to start your research for journal articles about biomechanics? PubMed and SPORTDiscus are always great places to start!
Full text for thousands of peer-reviewed journals and general interest sources across many subject areas.
The primary database for nursing and allied health research with access to journal articles, book chapters, evidence-based care sheets, nursing dissertations, state newsletters, and continuing education modules.
Provides abstracts and full text of thousands of journals from the 1800s to the present in psychology and related disciplines, including education, linguistics, neurosciences, pharmacology, and social work.
Largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: over 21,500 scientific journals, 130,000 books and conference proceedings, covering all fields of academic study: science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Scopus also includes 8 different citation metrics, analyzing impact at the author, article, journal, and institution levels.
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