This guide was created to accompany the First-Year Experience Co-curricular course. It has a collection of resources and research strategies created to help you now, and throughout your time at St. Thomas. You can always get back to this guide by searching our research guides for "first-year experience"
Events: like Therapy Pets, Study Night, and more, happening in the library throughout the year
Spaces: for groups and individuals to meet and work on projects
Stacks: the coffee shop on the main floor of O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library to give you the fuel you need to study
Research Guides: like this one! Customized by librarians to topics and classes, the guides give you the best bets to get you started on your research
Access to a huge collection of books, videos, journals, magazines, and more! Including fun books, videos and magazines to read when you need break!
...and the number 1 way the library can help you is ...
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