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Systematic Theology (Revelation, Tradition, and Doctrine): Finding Books

Systematic theology undertakes the task of a comprehensive and synthetic understanding of the Christian faith as mediated through the Scriptures and the Catholic Tradition and as interpreted by Church Councils and Papal Magisterium.

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Subjects in the field of systematic theology by LC call number

The Library of Congress subject heading for systematic theology is Theology, Doctrinal.  Using this you will find a much broader array of materials than searching solely for the phrase "systematic theology."

The Library of Congress section for Doctrinal Theology is BT.  Subdivisions of this field are listed below:

BT 10-1480 Doctrinal Theology

  • 19-37 Doctrine and dogma
  • 93-93.6 Judaism
  • 95-97.2 Divine law. Moral government
  • 98-180 God
    109-115 Doctrine of the Trinity
    117-123 Holy Spirit. The Paraclete
    126-127.5 Revelation
    130-153 Divine attributes
  • 198-590 Christology
    296-500 Life of Christ
    580 Miracles. Apparitions. Shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc.
    587 Relics
  • 595-680 Mary, Mother of Jesus Christ. Mariology
    650-660 Miracles. Apparitions. Shrines, sanctuaries, images, processions, etc.
  • 695-749 Creation
  • 750-811 Salvation. Soteriology
  • 819-891 Eschatology. Last things
  • 899-940 Future state. Future life
  • 960-985 Invisible world (saints, demons, etc.)
  • 990-1010 Creeds, confessions, covenants, etc.
  • 1029-1040 Catechisms
  • 1095-1255 Apologetics. Evidences of Christianity
  • 1313-1480 History of specific doctrines and movements. Heresies and schisms

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Subject Headings for Church History

Subject headings may begin with


Either of the subject headings may be refined by adding


                 MIDDLE AGES

                 MODERN PERIOD

You can also narrow your search by  adding a keyword like a person or theological cocnetp, (e.g., RAHNER) or (e.g. HOLY SPIRIT)

Another tactic is to use the subject heading: CHURCH HISTORY and

           Add chronological subheading:   
                         Church history - 2nd century
                         Church history - Middle Ages 
           Use as subheading with geographical area:           
                         Asia – Church history
                         California – Church history 
           Use ‘history’ with related subject (with or without chronological subheading):
                          Mysticism – History – Middle Ages
                          Women – History – Early Church

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