Online version of the 18th edition. Includes a "Quick Guide" for basics in citing sources, and a Q&A section. The main "Chicago Manual of Style Contents" link provides access to the sections of the book through the table of contents. The index provides links to the specific pages in the online resource.
The Chcago/Turabian Style has 2 variants for citations. The differences are only in the in-text citations. The bibliographies are the same.
The Reference List in Chicago Style is single spaced. The first line is out to the margin and subsequent lines are indented. Footnotes or Endnotes indent the first line and the remaining lines go all the way to the margin. They are numbered in superscript.
When using Zotero, you should identify Chicago Style 17th edition when creating your bibliography.
Use Zotero to keep track of resources, create bibliographies and internal citations in any citation style.
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