Powerful business and consumer research database that offers access to information on millions of businesses and households across the United States. It provides data on company profiles, business demographics, industry information, and residential listings. Exporting of data is limited to batches of 500 items at a time.
Reference Solutions contains basic directory information for millions of U.S businesses in the United States. It’s one of our best sources for researching private businesses. It includes many nonprofit organizations such as schools, churches, and religious organizations, charitable and social service organizations, and some federal, state, and municipal government offices. Use this resource to research competitors, B2B customers, suppliers, and potential employers by many criteria, including location, size, and type of business. Reference Solutions can also be used to create maps and charts of business locations.
To begin your search, click on the Search link under U.S. Businesses, on the Reference Solutions home page.
Reference Solutions contains a total of 101 million businesses, including 18 million verified and 83 million unverified businesses that are updated weekly.