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What is a literature review?
Generally, there are five parts to a literature review:
Similar to primary research, developing a literature review requires four stages:
Literature reviews should comprise the following elements:
In assessing each resource, consider the following:
A literature review may be a chapter of a thesis or dissertation or it may be a self-contained article on a specific topic. In either case, its purpose is to:
The literature review itself does not present any new primary research
An example of a literature review is:
Catalano, A., Milani, L., Franco, M., Buscema, F., Giommarini, I., Sodano, B., Gilcrease, W., Mondo, L., Marra, M., Di Girolamo, C., Bena, A., & Ricceri, F. (2024). The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on gambling: A systematic review. Addictive Behaviors, 155.
Tips for finding literature reviews in your field: