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Diversity Leadership

Article Databases by Discipline

Film Resources

The above link will allow you to browse a collection of thousands of documentaries and educational films across a wide variety of subjects.  To browse films related to specific aspects of diversity, browse the below Kanopy subjects:

News Resources

Through St. Thomas you have subscription access to the following news sites (click on the link to see signup instructions).  For a full list of news site subscriptions available to St. Thomas students and faculty, see our digital news access guide.

Harvard Business Review

Browse Harvard Business Review

The University of St. Thomas provides access to articles from the Harvard Business Review (HBR) through a database called Business Source Premier (linked above).  HBR licenses its content to Business Source Premier under the following condition:  institutions that license Business Source Premier cannot provide direct links to HBR articles.  This means that HBR articles can not be included in course packs without permission. If you want to read an article from the Harvard Business Review, you need to search for the article yourself, and the video below gives out those instructions.

For more information, including how to find specific HBR articles, see the instructional video on our Strategic Management guide.