Full text for thousands of peer-reviewed journals and general interest sources across many subject areas.
Covering the culture, traditions, social treatment, and lived experiences of different ethnic groups in America (includes EBSCO Diversity & Ethnic Studies ebook collection).
Access ebooks and scholarly journals in the arts, humanities, sciences, and the social sciences. Journal content is often not available until 1+ years after publication.
Largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: over 21,500 scientific journals, 130,000 books and conference proceedings, covering all fields of academic study: science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Scopus also includes 8 different citation metrics, analyzing impact at the author, article, journal, and institution levels.
This database provides citations for over 2.7 million dissertations and theses from colleges and universities around the world. Close to half are available in PDF form that researchers can download. All St. Thomas dissertations that have been submitted to the database are available in PDF also. If you should come across a document that does not have a PDF, you may request it through interlibrary loan.
This is a comprehensive database that contains abstracts and the full text of thousands of business and news publications as well as country and industry reports, company profiles, SWOTs, and market research reports.
Contains peer-reviewed journals on a wide range of business topics, and is particularly strong in international management, human resources, information technology, and operations.
Full text for thousands of peer-reviewed journals and general interest sources across many subject areas.
LGBTQ+ Source indexes the world’s literature regarding Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer issues, both academic and grassroots. It’s invaluable as both an academic resource and for casual reading.
Comprehensive index of journal articles, book reviews, and dissertations related to the history and culture of the United States and Canada from 1450 - present.
Index to journal articles and bibliographic citations to books and dissertations on the history of the world (except for) the U.S. and Canada from 1450 to the present.
Access ebooks and scholarly journals in the arts, humanities, sciences, and the social sciences. Journal content is often not available until 1+ years after publication.
Provides abstracts and full text of thousands of journals from the 1800s to the present in psychology and related disciplines, including education, linguistics, neurosciences, pharmacology, and social work.
Includes resources in the fields of sociology and related subject areas.
Explore Media Collections to discover other streaming video content.
Please contact libmedia@stthomas.edu if you have any questions or need help.
The above link will allow you to browse a collection of thousands of documentaries and educational films across a wide variety of subjects. To browse films related to specific aspects of diversity, browse the below Kanopy subjects:
Through St. Thomas you have subscription access to the following news sites (click on the link to see signup instructions). For a full list of news site subscriptions available to St. Thomas students and faculty, see our digital news access guide.
Direct access to nytimes.com paid for by St. Thomas.
First-time users: Create a free account using your St. Thomas email address. Existing paid New York Times subscribers must cancel their subscription before authenticating via the school-funded program.
Includes access to The New York Times in Education (separate registration required), TimesMachine, The Athletic (separate registration required), NYT podcasts, mobile apps, and more. Does not include Cooking, Wirecutter, or Games.
Once registered, students will have access until 12/31 of their graduation year. Faculty/staff will have 4 years of full account access, after which they must re-authenticate by visiting accessnyt.com.
Unlimited access includes The Atlantic Archive going back to 1857.
First-time users: From the institutional login page, select University of St. Thomas to create a new account.
On subsequent visits, access The Atlantic directly at theatlantic.com.
The No. 1 news source for college and university faculty and administrators. Online version is updated continuously. Includes facts, opinions, job offers, book reviews, and news from college campuses everywhere. Create a free personal account to receive email newsletters, job alerts, etc.
The University of St. Thomas provides access to articles from the Harvard Business Review (HBR) through a database called Business Source Premier (linked above). HBR licenses its content to Business Source Premier under the following condition: institutions that license Business Source Premier cannot provide direct links to HBR articles. This means that HBR articles can not be included in course packs without permission. If you want to read an article from the Harvard Business Review, you need to search for the article yourself, and the video below gives out those instructions.
For more information, including how to find specific HBR articles, see the instructional video on our Strategic Management guide.
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