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WGSS: Scholarly Research on Gender and Sexuality: Article Databases

A Library Resource Guide for Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies

Research in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Biology

Because Gender and Sexuality is studied across almost all academic disciplines, the library has many databases that cover these issues. Each field may use different search terms (see box at the bottom of this page). If you need help, librarians are always available. We love to assist with your questions.


JSTOR and Project MUSE have highly regarded, scholarly ebooks, many on transgender and queer topics. You can download each and any chapter as a pdf that you can print out and keep forever.

Use the ? symbol that means any letter. For instance transwom?n means either transwoman or transwomen

Look for theological discussions of sex and gender from many different religious and spiritual viewpoints.

Social Sciences


Science resources inform you about the biological and genetic basis for sex, sexuality, and gender.

Social Issues

What terms do I use?

Each database may use different terms to describe the same group of people or concept. Especially if you are searching for older articles and books, some database require you to use terms that may be offensive to you or other people you care about. However, if authors used such terms, this may be the only way to find them.

Some databases will label articles with more appropriate terms, even when the authors of the papers don't use these. However, databases are slow to adopt more current or appropriate language.





specific terminology and a definite sociological view. It can help you decide on terms you want to use in other databases.

For example, for non-binary persons, they use various terms:

Gender-variant people people who identity themselves with gender concepts that differ from what a culture or society generally considers as usual or normal
Bigender people  people who self-identify as, or choose gender expressions of, both or some combination of the two culturally-dominant genders. Works on people who are sexually attracted to both men and women are entered under "Bisexuals." Works on people who are born with physical characteristics of both sexes are entered under "Intersex people."
Androgynes people who deliberately adopt characteristics of both genders or strive to attain a gender-neutral or nongender status
Third Gender people who deliberately adopt characteristics of both genders or strive to attain a gender-neutral or nongender status
Hijras Indian and Pakistani gender variant people who are born male or intersex but live and dress as women. They are considered neither male nor female, and may undergo the surgical removal of the genitals.
Two-spirit people Native Americans, especially men, who assume the dress, role, and status of the opposite sex

fewer specific words. Includes a more medicalized, pathologizing view

Transgender  Having or relating to gender identities that differ from culturally determined gender roles and biological sex
Gender Identity Disorder Significant distress or impairment of function due to cross-gender identification
Testicular Feminization Syndrome Occurs when an individual who is genetically male (has an X and Y chromosome) is unresponsive to androgen. As a result, the individual exhibits some or all of the phenotypic characteristics of a female