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PUBH 465: Public Health Research Methods: Finding the Research

This guide highlights resources that will help you save time and find materials for projects in your Public Health Research Methods course.

Research is M E S S Y

Research Cycle: Ideal     VS.Research Cycle: Actual

Images taken from UIC Library Research Guide

Primary Sources

Primary sources are ones written by the scientists who performed the experiments, during the time of the study - these articles include original research data. 

Secondary sources are ones that summarize or compare lots of research in a particular area.

So how can you tell if a science article is a primary source?  Primary research articles will include sections about:

  • methodology -  explaining how the experiment was conducted
  • results - detailing what happened and providing raw data sets (often as tables or graphs)
  • conclusions - connecting the results with theories and other research
  • references - to previous research or theories that influenced the research

Research Strategies

Best Bets for Primary Sources

Other Relevant Databases

How do you know when you are done researching?

Are you seeing the same articles over and over?

Interlibrary Loan

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY


Request books, articles, and other items not available at UST. Visit the InterLibrary Loan page for more info.