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Twice Exceptional (2e) Resources for Teachers: Getting Started

Children who have above average intelligence, but also have a disability are considered "twice exceptional". This guide provides some resources to start with when doing research on this topic.

Why 2e Education?

Do you have students in class who are bright; but don't turn in assignments, have trouble reading or writing, or paying attention in class? Maybe they are 2e. In the words of Temple Grandin: "We need to help students who have unique minds be successful".

Dr. Temple Grandin, UCLA Open Mind Lecture, Feb. 11, 2011

Library Information

Most of the research or curriculum-related resources for 2e are located at Keffer Library.  A keyword search for "twice exceptional" in CLICnet, and limit to Keffer location will find most of these.  If you do not limit to Keffer, you will probably find other materials in other libraries.  These can be requested on interlibrary loan by clicking on the red "request item" check mark you see when looking at the complete record for an item.

There is a link on the "Finding Books" tab where you can start, or start with the "Books" heading on the menu bar of the  library homepage.

About OSF & Keffer Libraries

OSF Library Photo

O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library
651-962-5494 (Circulation)
651-962-5001 (Reference)
651-962-5400 (Hours)
2115 Summit Ave, St. Paul, MN 55105
Directions & Parking
Library Hours

Keffer Library Photo

Charles J. Keffer Library
651-962-4642 (Circulation)
651-962-4664 (Reference)
651-962-4640 (Hours)
MOH 206, 1000 LaSalle Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403
Directions & Parking
Library Hours


This guide provides a number of resources for teachers of students who are twice exceptional.  Use the tabs above to explore these resources.

  • Getting Started--where you are now
  • Finding Books--search for print or electronic books, media and other things that would be in a library or (in some cases) online.
  • Finding Tests and Test Reviews--try these sources if you are looking for information on test instruments that might be used to assess a student for twice exceptionality.
  • Finding Articles--this is a good place to start if you are looking for journal articles related to 2e.
  • Recommended Books--this is a selection of research publications as well as stories about people who are twice exceptional.
  • Multimedia and Websites--this is a selection of films, DVDs, and websites that might supplement and support your research.

Defining Twice Exceptional

Twice-exceptional learners are those who are gifted and also have various additional exceptionalities, including autism, ADD/ADHD, emotional disorders, and learning disabilities.  These children are frequently overlooked for gifted services.  Often, the child’s learning deficit is addressed to the exclusion of other considerations, including areas of high ability.  In some cases, test scores are depressed by the learning deficit so that the child doesn’t qualify under current criteria for gifted programs.

Project2Excel (

Famous 2e's

This short video will introduce you to famous people past and present who probably were/are twice exceptional.

Other Guides of Interest

Contact me for assistance

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Conrad Woxland
Charles J. Keffer Library | MOH 206F
Subjects: Education, Psychology