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Catholic Social Teaching and Social Justice: Basic Documents

Papal Encyclicals





Rerum Novarum  (On the Condition of Labor)  --  Pope Leo XIII, 1891

This seminal work on modern Catholic social thought addresses the plight of the industrial workers in the wake of the Industrial Revolution. It calls for the protection of the weak and the poor through the persuit of justice while excluding socialism and class struggle as legitimate principles of change. It affirms the dignity of work, the right to private property, and the right to form and join professional associations.


Quadragesimo Anno  (After Forty Years)  --  Pope Pius XI, 1931

Writing in response to the alarming concentration of wealth and power in the socio-economic realm, Pius XI calls for the reestablishment of a social order based on the principle of subsidiarity. In commemorating the 40th anniversary of Rerum Novarum, this encyclical reaffirms the need for a social order animated by justice.


Mater et Magistra   (Christianity and Social Progress)  --  Pope John XXIII, 1961

Applying the teachings of his predecessors to modern problems, and affirming the role of the Church as a teacher, and as a nurturing guardian of the poor and oppressed, John XXIII calls for a greater awareness of the need for all peoples to live as one community with a common good. Special attention is focused on the plight of the farmers and farm workers in depressed rural, agricultural economies. 


Pacem in Terris   (Peace on Earth)  --  Pope John XXIII, 1963

Covering the entire spectrum of relations between individuals, between the individual and the community, and between nations, John XXIII affirms the inviolability of human rights. Peace, based on mutual trust, can be well-founded only if undergirded by a unity of right order in human affairs arising from a genuine respect for and adherence to the law of God.



Populorum Progressio (On the Development of Peoples)  --  Pope Paul VI, 1967

Calling attention to the worsening marginalization of the poor, Paul VI presents the various dimensions of an integral human development and the necessary conditions for growth in the solidarity of peoples. Only with an accompanying theological reflection on liberation from injustice and genuine human values can there be true development towards a more human condition.



Laborem Exercens  (On Human Work)  --  Pope John Paul II, 1981

Exhorting Christians everywhere to be involved in the transformation of existing socio-economic systems, John Paul II presents work as a fundamental dimension of human existence through which the "social question" must be viewed. The meaning of work can only be properly understood when the dignity of labor is taken as an underlying premise.  


Solicitudo Rei Socialis  (On Social Concern)  --  Pope John Paul II, 1987

Expanding on the notion of development in Populorum Progressio, John Paul II reviews the state of world development in the past two decades. The moral nature of development leading humanity to the "fullness of being" is emphasized.  


Centesimus Annus  (The Hundredth Year)  --  Pope John Paul II, 1991

Official text Notable quotations  The document in everyday language

Text in Spanish Online Concordance  Bibliography


Evangelium Vitae  (The Gospel of Life)  --  Pope John Paul II, 1995


Fides et Ratio  (Faith and Reason)  --  Pope John Paul II, 1998


Deus Caritas Est (God Is Love)  --  Pope Benedict XVI, 2005 


Caritas in Veritate  (In Charity and Truth)  --  Pope Benedict XVI, 2009

U.S. Bishops' Documents

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