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COMM 480: Capstone Communication Ethics: Books & Media

A library course guide for Communication Ethics

LibrarySearch Catalog

LibrarySearch provides a simple, one-stop search for books, articles, videos, recordings, and more. Items from St. Thomas and other regional libraries can be requested online and delivered to the St. Thomas library of your choice.

Locating books in the library

When you search for a book, make sure you have the following information:

  • Call Number (this is the "address" of the book)
  • Status (whether the book is Available or checked out)
  • Location/Floor

Call numbers are book shelf addresses, unique to a single book. They indicate where a book is located in the library. Books are arranged alphabetically by the beginning letters of their call numbers. You will find the call number attached to or written on the spine of the book.

Once you find the book in the stacks, browse the shelf/shelves around it - you might find additional books that will be helpful to you.

LibrarySearch: DVD and Streaming Videos

Streaming Media

Movie Databases

Check out these great movie databases. Enjoy!