The following are streaming video databases with films in Spanish or related to Spanish studies. Since many of these databases contain films from all over the world, you may need to either search in Spanish or limit results to Spanish to see relevant results.
Access to more than 10,000 titles in all subject areas. Kanopy titles not available immediately can be requested by faculty for class use or by students for research only. If you find a Kanopy video that you can't access, click the link and follow the instructions to place a request.
Explore Media Collections to discover other streaming video content.
Please contact if you have any questions or need help.
More than 2000 videos from different distributors, including Bullfrog, Women Make Movies, Icarus Films, Good Docs, Film Movement, and more. Contains documentaries in a wide range of subjects including, Environmental Studies, Political Science, Peace & Justice, Criminal Justice, Immigration, International Studies, Race and Racism, Ethnic Studies, History, Art, Media Studies, and more.
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