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Psychology 111 - Henares: Using LibrarySearch

This library guide was created for scholars who are participating in the DFC program and enrolled in Psychology 111 with Dr. Regina Henares

Search tips for Psychology 111

  • limit your first search to St. Thomas only
  • use the Peer Review limit on the left hand side of the result page to focus your results on scholarly articles
  • limit the Publication Dates on the left side of the result page to the last ten years

LibrarySearch Catalog

LibrarySearch provides a simple, one-stop search for books, articles, videos, recordings, and more. Items from St. Thomas and other regional libraries can be requested online and delivered to the St. Thomas library of your choice.

Introduction to LibrarySearch

Learn to use LibrarySearch, which provides a simple, one-stop search for books, articles, videos, recordings, and more. Items from St. Thomas and other regional libraries can be requested online and delivered to the St. Thomas library of your choice.

How do I request a book?

How do I request a book?

  1. View the full record for the book in LibrarySearch by clicking on the title from your list of search results.
  2. If you have not yet signed in, click on the blue "Sign in" text in the Get It section of the record.
  3. After you sign in to your St. Thomas account, you will be returned to the record and should now see a "Request" option in the Get It section.
  4. Fill out the Request form and be sure to specify your Pickup Location.

LibrarySearch: Your First Stop