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Resources for Black History Month: Historical Articles available @ UST

In honor of February being Black History Month, we are highlighting a number of library resources that celebrate Black History

Contemporary articles

The bulk of this section focuses on historical articles to give users a chance to read invaluable first-hand accounts of history while it was happening.  For articles that present contemporary news and events, there is no end to what the UST libraries offer in a wide range of disciplines.  

Check our catalog LibrarySearch or ask a Librarian for help.

Search historical African American newspapers

African American newspapers offer unique perspectives on historical events, providing insights into the experiences of the African American community. These publications often highlight issues and perspectives that might be underrepresented or overlooked in mainstream media. They provide in-depth coverage of protests, activism, and pivotal events, as well as highlighting cultural contributions in the arts, literature, music, and sports.  

Search historical newspapers and journals

Articles from newspapers and journals written by individuals who witnessed or were directly involved in historical events offer a real-time snapshot of those events. These contemporaneous accounts provide an immediate and unfiltered perspective, distinct from later interpretations.

Jean-Michel Basquiat, Self-Portrait, 1986

MACBA Collection.  Click image for more details.

Gordon Parks - American Gothic, Washington D.C.

Click image for more details

Blue Monday, by Annie Lee

Click image for more details.